ASD school calendar and menu (as well as many other importand documents) posted on https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents Please check with your students for first week documents coming home for signatures.

Check https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents for updated versions of Arlington SD documents: Lunch Menu and Calendar - 2022-2023 School Supply Lists- 2022-2023 Student and Parent Handbook - 2022-2023 School Calendar - 2022-2023 ASD Athletic Handbook and Sports Physical Form - High School Expectations - BYOD (Bring your own device) policy

Those AHS students taking college classes 1st semester please plan on meeting with Ms. McGuire on August 17th from 10am-12pm at AHS to register for your classes. If you are unable to meet her at that time please email her to make different arrangements lmcguire@arlington.k12.or.us

Arlington School District has the following coaching positions available: Middle School Volleyball, Middle School Girls Basketball Coach, Middle School Boys Basketball Coach, Middle School Track and High School Tennis If interested please contact the District office for information 541-454-2632 or email mshandy@arlington.k12.or.us

The Arlington School District phones are currently not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will announce when they are back up and working. Back to school information packets will be in the mail this week.

There is a vacancy on the Arlington School District #3 Board. Interested parties who wish to be considered for the appointment to fill this vacancy please submit a letter of interest to the Arlington School District #3 Board, PO Box 10, Arlington, OR 97812 or deliver to the District office at 1200 Main Street, Arlington OR or email to mshandy@arlington.k12.or.us on or before August 1, 2022.
Letters of interest will be reviewed at the next School Board meeting on August 1st.

June 27, 2022
During the past several years there have been discussions regarding 7th and 8th grade students utilizing the resources within the high school classrooms. The last two years’ middle school students have been, for the most part, taught in the modular buildings. Beginning this upcoming school year 7th and 8th grade students will return to the high school for a majority of their classes.
Our teachers are excited about this new opportunity and will have all of the tools and resources available to students in their established classrooms. This will also allow our middle school students to participate in assemblies and other activities held at the high school.
In order to ensure there is a clear separation of high school and middle school students, adjustments will be made for transition time and bathroom breaks. Classes will remain separate and the only combined subject will be 7-12 band, which allows greater participation and opportunity for success of all students.
Please feel free to contact the school if you have any concerns regarding this adjustment.
Brandon Hammond
Brandon Hammond
Arlington School District

Arlington School District
Health Assistant Position
The Arlington School District #3 is accepting letters of interest/ Resume’s for an Health Assistance position in the District.
Successful applicants, must pass background check and be fingerprinted. This position works under the direct supervision of the superintendent or classroom teacher. This position will take care of the health room needs at the school district and may also support instructional activities of students in the regular classroom and/or in individual or small group settings.
Please send your letter of interest and resume to Mr. Hammond at the Arlington School District office at 1200 Main Street in Arlington or mail to ASD PO Box 10 Arlington, OR 97812. Or email to bhammond@arlington.k12.or.us This position will be open until filled.
Posted 6/13/2022

Thank you for helping us close out for the 2021-22 school year by returning all Chromebooks and chargers that were checked out to students for home use. We need to collect the ASD Chromebooks so they can be cleaned, reorganized, updated, repaired, and prepared for next school year. Please return before June 8 or make arrangements with the ASD office AND MR. Hammond.

Class Night time is 6:00pm tonight in the AGS gym. There was some conflicting times for this event out there and we wanted to confirm it is at 6:00pm tonight. This is the Arlington High School (9th-12th grade) awards night.

AHS Class Night will be
Tuesday, May 31st at 6:30pm
located in the AGS Gym
9th-12th grade students, parents and community welcome for this awards night

Check out this NEWS article on Kellen G at the State Track and Field meet on MAY 19. https://www.honkernet.net/article/748761

Congratulations KELLEN GRONQUIST: 2nd place at OSAA State Track and Field Championships in Eugene TODAY (May 19) with a throw of 42' 11.25"

2022 litter patrol summer jobs APPLY at www.odotjobs.com and for more info see: https://5il.co/1ats1 OR call Jessica Peterson 541-340-4016

Just a small reminder about the Middle School Dance tonight for 5th-8th grade Arlington Students. It will be held at the Grade School from 7pm-9pm.

A letter from Mr. Hammond.

Parent Meeting: for 8th grade and Junior parents. Thursday, May 12th
Dinner at 5:30pm Meeting to start at 6pm This meeting is for both the parents and the students. PLEASE ATTEND, THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Congratulations to Larry Johnson. Mr. Johnson is hired to be the Arlington School District Superintendent Effective July 1, 2022.

Preventing Underage Marijuana and Vaping Use — Parents’ Guide to Talking with Your Kids INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND HERE https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents