HS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE: IA vs PowderValley originally scheduled for Friday Night, 10/7, has been rescheduled to 1:00 PM SATURDAY, 10/8, at IONE.

the NFHS LIVE feed for tonight's AI FLOCK Football game in Pilot Rock is https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/pilot-rock-high-school-pilot-rock-or/gamdc9de6a922 starting at 7PM

The October 1 High School Volleyball crossover games place and time has been determined. The game will be in DUFUR starting at 10:00 am. The order of games will be as follows: Dufur vs Lyle/Wishram A/I vs Lyle/Wishram A/I vs Dufur

Arlington/Ione Middle School - Comm Charter vs. South Wasco County High School. Watch Boys And Girls Middle School Volleyball Wednesday, Sep 28th, 2022 at 3:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!

Arlington/Ione High School - vs. Sherman High School. Watch Girls Varsity Volleyball Thursday, Sep 29th, 2022 at 4:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!

Arlington/Ione Middle School vs. South Wasco County MS School. Watch Boys Middle School Football Monday, Oct 3rd, 2022 at 3:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!

Arlington/Ione High School vs. Perrydale High School. Watch Boys Varsity Football Friday, Sep 23rd, 2022 at 6:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!

Arlington/Ione High School vs. Spray/Mitchell/Fossil High School. Watch Girls Varsity Volleyball Friday, Sep 23rd, 2022 at 4:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!

Volleyball at 5pm
Football at 7pm
There will be Hamburgers, Hotdogs and Pulled Pork Sandwiches at the
football game.

Homecoming Noise Parade, Skits and Bon fire
Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30pm
Skits will be after the Noise Parade in the High School Gym
Due to high winds projected we have to cancel the Bon fire for that evening.

Homecoming Week
September 19th - 23rd
Days up days Monday - Thursday
Monday - Fake an injury day
Tuesday - Dress up as your favorite staff member
Wednesday - Pajama Day
Thursday - Blue and Gold day
Thursday : Noise Parade at 6:30pm
Skits to follow the noise parade at the football field (weather permitting)
Bon fire at the baseball field (weather permitting)
Friday : High School girls Volleyball in Arlington at 5pm
High School boys Football in Arlington at 7pm
Coronation of Homecoming King and Queen during halftime of the
football game.

white out for AI Athletics

AMS Volleyball vs Condon on Wednesday, Sept 14 will be broadcast on the NFHS network LIVE at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gam0bdecb2b10
NFHS is a pay to use network... has both LIVE and ON DEMAND events.

Arlington/Ione sports schedules MS and HS for Sept 12-18 NOTE locations for practices and games (subject to change)

Want to see the games but can't make it to the event? watch them LIVE or ON DEMAND at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/arlington-high-school-arlington-or follow IONE as well to see AI sports hosted at either location. some partner schools have NFHS and will be on Arlington or Ione scheduled broadcasts

Concession menu for Friday football game : Hamburgers, Hot dogs, and Nachos.

Arlington School District OPEN HOUSE : WEDNESDAY, September 7. 6pm at AGS. Come see the facilities, meet the staff, and have some snacks.

HS Volleyball & HS Football games for the week of September 6th –10th: High School Volleyball—Thursday, September 8th @ Helix 4pm High School Football—Friday, September 9th in Arlington 7pm High School Volleyball—Saturday, September 10th @ Condon 9am CONCESSIONS and FUN come out and support your teams

read all about it at https://www.honkernet.net/article/825784

ASD school calendar and menu (as well as many other importand documents) posted on https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents Please check with your students for first week documents coming home for signatures.