HS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE: IA vs PowderValley originally scheduled for Friday Night, 10/7, has been rescheduled to 1:00 PM SATURDAY, 10/8, at IONE.
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
the NFHS LIVE feed for tonight's AI FLOCK Football game in Pilot Rock is https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/pilot-rock-high-school-pilot-rock-or/gamdc9de6a922 starting at 7PM
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
The October 1 High School Volleyball crossover games place and time has been determined. The game will be in DUFUR starting at 10:00 am. The order of games will be as follows: Dufur vs Lyle/Wishram A/I vs Lyle/Wishram A/I vs Dufur
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
ai vb
MS Arlington/Ione Middle School - Comm Charter vs. South Wasco County High School. Watch Boys And Girls Middle School Volleyball Wednesday, Sep 28th, 2022 at 3:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gam7aee4d8d5f
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
ai vb
HS VB Arlington/Ione High School - vs. Sherman High School. Watch Girls Varsity Volleyball Thursday, Sep 29th, 2022 at 4:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gam16dbfba476
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
ai vb
Arlington/Ione Middle School vs. South Wasco County MS School. Watch Boys Middle School Football Monday, Oct 3rd, 2022 at 3:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gamc9a8e30123
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
fb dude
Arlington/Ione High School vs. Perrydale High School. Watch Boys Varsity Football Friday, Sep 23rd, 2022 at 6:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gamd99bd3d5ea
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington/Ione High School vs. Spray/Mitchell/Fossil High School. Watch Girls Varsity Volleyball Friday, Sep 23rd, 2022 at 4:50 PM PDT on the NFHS Network! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gam4d088806c1
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
HOMECOMING GAMES ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd Volleyball at 5pm Football at 7pm There will be Hamburgers, Hotdogs and Pulled Pork Sandwiches at the football game.
over 2 years ago, Cindy Troutman
Homecoming Noise Parade, Skits and Bon fire (revised) Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30pm Skits will be after the Noise Parade in the High School Gym Due to high winds projected we have to cancel the Bon fire for that evening.
over 2 years ago, Cindy Troutman
Homecoming Week September 19th - 23rd Days up days Monday - Thursday Monday - Fake an injury day Tuesday - Dress up as your favorite staff member Wednesday - Pajama Day Thursday - Blue and Gold day Thursday : Noise Parade at 6:30pm Skits to follow the noise parade at the football field (weather permitting) Bon fire at the baseball field (weather permitting) Friday : High School girls Volleyball in Arlington at 5pm High School boys Football in Arlington at 7pm Coronation of Homecoming King and Queen during halftime of the football game.
over 2 years ago, Cindy Troutman
white out for AI Athletics
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
AMS Volleyball vs Condon on Wednesday, Sept 14 will be broadcast on the NFHS network LIVE at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/gam0bdecb2b10 NFHS is a pay to use network... has both LIVE and ON DEMAND events.
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington/Ione sports schedules MS and HS for Sept 12-18 NOTE locations for practices and games (subject to change)
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Want to see the games but can't make it to the event? watch them LIVE or ON DEMAND at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/arlington-high-school-arlington-or follow IONE as well to see AI sports hosted at either location. some partner schools have NFHS and will be on Arlington or Ione scheduled broadcasts
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Concession menu for Friday football game : Hamburgers, Hot dogs, and Nachos.
over 2 years ago, Cindy Troutman
Arlington School District OPEN HOUSE : WEDNESDAY, September 7. 6pm at AGS. Come see the facilities, meet the staff, and have some snacks.
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
open House
HS Volleyball & HS Football games for the week of September 6th –10th: High School Volleyball—Thursday, September 8th @ Helix 4pm High School Football—Friday, September 9th in Arlington 7pm High School Volleyball—Saturday, September 10th @ Condon 9am CONCESSIONS and FUN come out and support your teams
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
ARLINGTON/IONE VOLLEYBALL SOARS IN FIRST MATCH OF SEASON! read all about it at https://www.honkernet.net/article/825784
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
ASD school calendar and menu (as well as many other importand documents) posted on https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents Please check with your students for first week documents coming home for signatures.
over 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
docs post