There will be NO girls middle school practice today, January 3rd. Middle School Boys will still practice in Arlington as scheduled.

ASD WInter Concert: 6:00 PM at Arlington High School Gym WEDNESDAY, JAN 4 live feed link f you cannot be there in person or want to watch it later https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/evtf474ff0522

ARLINGTON/IONE ATHLETICS JANUARY 2-9 schedule (subject to change) https://www.honkernet.net/article/949030

Arlington School District: NO SCHOOL JAN 2 due to a federal holiday. School resumes JAN 3 at NORMAL SCHOOL HOURS. Sports teams: Players/Parents... please contact your coach if you have questions about sports activities on JAN 2.

Arlington School District: no school JAN 2 due to a federal holiday. School resumes JAN 3

NOTICE.... Arlington-Ione HS Basketball vs COVE scheduled for TODAY, 12/21/22, has been CANCELLED due to weather and road conditions.

Winter Break runs DEC 16,2022-JAN 1,2023... see you Monday, January 3. School calendar and menu posted on https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents *subject to change.

Arlington/ Ione vs. Sherman High School. Watch Boys And Girls Varsity Basketball Saturday, Dec 17th, 2022 at 12:20 PM PST on the NFHS Network! or come down in person and see it LIVE and in 3D!

Unfortunately, due to illness tonight's Winter Music Concert has been canceled. We have rescheduled the concert for January 4th at 6pm. LIVE STREAM at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/evtf474ff0522

Arlington/Ione vs. Condon Middle School. Watch Boys And Girls Middle School Basketball Thursday, Dec 15th, 2022 at 3:45 PM PST on the NFHS Network!
NFHS recognizes location, not age or coop teams

Arlington Ione vs. Cove High School. Watch Boys And Girls Varsity Basketball Wednesday, Dec 21st, 2022 at 4:15 PM PST on the NFHS Network!

Live Stream for the ASD Winter Concert, DEC 14, 6pm live on NFHS https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/arlington-high-school-arlington-or/evtf474ff0522 this is a K-12 event.. NFHS recognizes location not participants hence the Arlington High School label

Would you like to come have lunch with your child, or grandchild? We are having Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 15th. Cost per meal is $3.95. If you would like to attend please call to sign up so our phenomenal cooks prepare enough for everyone. Sign up by calling 541-454-2727

We have been able to add a few high school basketball games after Eddyville canceled on us yesterday. The Arlington/Ione girls will fill a slot in the South Wasco Tournament. They will play South Wasco tonight at 6:00 at South Wasco and then they will play Saturday at South Wasco with opponent and time TBD.
HS BASKETBALL UPDATE 12-9-22: 9:45 AM The Arlington/Ione Boys will play Helix @ Condon this afternoon at 1:30 pm. I want to thank everybody for their patience and cooperation this weekend. Between weather cancellations and official shortages it has been quite the week. Hopefully, things will calm down as we move into the season and good luck to our teams as they play this weekend.

Unfortunately because of the inclement weather, the Eddyville basketball team has had to cancel for this weekend's games. The Friday night Sherman vs Eddyville and Saturday Arlington/Ione vs Eddyville games have been cancelled. We will look to reschedule this game at a later date if both schools can find an open date that fits into each other's schedule.

Due to inclement weather and road conditions. The Middle School basketball games have been canceled for today. There will also be NO middle school practice. Monday's games will be at St. Mary's in The Dalles, weather permitting.

Dec 7, 2022: The Arlington Middle School girls basketball practice has been canceled for today. Arlington Middle School boys will practice at the grade school until 5pm. At this time, tomorrows MS basketball games in Ione will still be played. Weather permitting.

Due to predicted incliment weather and road conditons, Arlington Schools will be starting 2 hours late on Tuesday, DEC 6. Breakfast will not be served. all students should report to their 1st period (normal) first hour) classes at 9:45a.

DEC 5, 2022: The Arlington Middle School Basketball games scheduled for today at Sherman County have been canceled. There will be no Middle School Boys or Girls practice today either. Normal Middle School practice will resume tomorrow at Ione. High School Boys and Girls practice will be canceled tonight as well.

Due to weather and road conditions, Arlington School District will be on a 2 hour delay for MONDAY, DECEMBER 5. Breakfast is not served on Late opening days. Check your notifications for further changes.