Menu Change for Tuesday, 2/7, will be Pork Fried Rice. Wednesday, 2/8, will be Stuffed Cheesy Bread.

CANDY GRAMS for Valentine's day available from the Earl Snell Chapter of the National Honor Society at AHS. contact the office or fill out this form for get yours ordered https://5il.co/1oan0 Order before FEB 13 for FEB 14 delivery.

Good Afternoon, The game times have changed slightly for the Middle School Basketball games in Dufur on Monday, February 6, because we will only be able to use one gym that afternoon. The new times and order will be as follows: B Girls- 3:00 pm B Boys- 4:00 pm A Girls- 5:00 pm A Boys- 6:00 pm.

Arlington School District FEBRUARY 2023 calendar and menu https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents (*subject to change) updated 6:30 AM, 2/1/23

ARLINGTON/IONE/RIVERSIDE ATHLETICS Sports Schedule January 31-February 6

Kindergarten-8th grade 2nd quarter awards: Thursday, Feb. 2nd @3pm in the AGS Cafeteria

LAST HOME GAME (in Arlington) FOR REGULAR SEASON... TUESDAY, JAN 31, 4:30PM start. Senior tribute night, full concessions, and a bake raffle. Or stream it live: NFHS Network live feed

LUNCH MENU CHANGE for tomorrow, 1/26/23, due to supply chain issues. K - 3rd will be having Chicken Nuggets, 4th - 8th will have Chicken Strips or Chicken Nuggets, 9th - 12th grades will be having Bacon Cheeseburgers.

Sports Schedule January 24-30 https://www.honkernet.net/article/971521

It has been a crazy couple of days trying to schedule the Middle School Girls Basketball games. The games that had been moved to Wednesday, January 25, have been postponed again. We will work to try and get it rescheduled but we do not have a date at this point. Thank you for your patience in this matter.

The start time of the JV Boys Basketball game against South Wasco in Ione has moved to 5:00 pm from 4:30. The JV Boys will play just a 1/2 game this Friday .

Heppner had a conflict arise for the Middle School Girls basketball games scheduled in Heppner on Monday, January 23. The games have been moved to Wednesday, January 25 in Heppner at 4:00 pm.

Ready to get your BAKE on? Bake Raffle that is! 2 opportunites to win some tasty treats at the Arlington/Ione Home Baskeball Games coming up CLASS of 2023 on JAN 28-Dufur home game, CLASS OF 2025 on JAN 31-Union home game. Games played in Arlington, and drawn at half time of the last game of the evening

Arlington School District will have THREE (3) school board positions open for election in the May election. Get more information from the ASD office and check out OSBA's Get On Board campaing here: https://getonboardoregon.org/

Arlington/Ione MIDDLE School - vs. Sherman High School. Watch Boys And Girls Middle School Basketball Thursday, Jan 19th, 2023 at 3:50 PM PST on the NFHS Network! AND LIVE... in 3D onsite!

Good Afternoon,
The JV Boys game at Klickitat High School scheduled for Saturday, January 14, has been cancelled due to lack of officials on their end. The Varsity Girls game will move up to 12:30 pm and the Varsity Boys game will start at 2:00 pm.

Arlington/Ione High School vs. Trout Lake High School. Watch Boys And Girls Varsity Basketball Friday, Jan 13th, 2023 at 5:55 PM PST on the NFHS Network!

AMS BasketBall starts at 3:00PM at Horizon Christian today (JAN 12, 2023)

Arlington School District is looking for a HS Tennis Coach for the 2023 season. contact the ASD Office at 541-454-2632 for more info or to fill out the application.

Middle School boys basketball practice has been canceled for today.