JV Volleyball Game Canceled tonight. JV Volleyball players will not travel and no practice tonight. Varsity Game still on as scheduled in Dufur.
IN PERSON SCHOOL FOR ARLINGTON STUDENTS AND STAFF STARTS SEPT 7 at 7:45 AM Regular school hours: 7:45 AM to 3:30PM daily. See the posted calendar on HonkerNet.net.
Attention Parents and 5th -8th Grade Athletes
Middle School Fall Sports Meetings will be held on the first day of school, September 7. All students interested in participating should attend the meeting which will be held during school hours. Fall sports practices will begin on September 8th or 9th.
All Middle School students who are interested in playing fall sports will need to complete the following paperwork before they can participate: Student Pledge, Athletic and Activity Agreement, Consent for Medical/Emergency Treatment, Annual Interval History Form, and then a completed Sports Physical. All of this paperwork can be found on-line in the ASD Athletic Handbook or can be picked up at the Arlington High School office. All students in the 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade, new students, or students who did not participate in athletics last year in the district will need a current physical. The sooner the district gets the completed paperwork, the sooner your son/daughter can start participating.
First Volleyball game of the season this Thursday, 9/2 at AHS 5:00pm vs. Klickitat. Come support your Honkers/Cardinals. Concessions will be open
Friday, September 10th, September 17th and September 24th will be a distance learning days for our students. The purpose of this day is to allow small groups into the school for credit recovery 9th through 12th grades, and student support for Kindergarten through 6th grades.
Teachers will contact and invite students who they feel will benefit from small group instruction and support. If you feel your student would benefit from additional support, please contact the school. Bussing and lunch will be provided for in-person students. Bus schedule will begin at normal morning pick up times and depart the school for home at 11:45am.
Students not attending in-person will be provided material on Thursday to continue their learning at home. Lunch will be provided for distance learners through bussing or school pickup, for in town students. Pick up times will be from 8:30am to 10:00am.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.
Thank you for your continued support in behalf of our students!
Brandon Hammond
Arlington School District
P-EBT information: AS Per ODE, Arlington is NOT eligible for P-EBT benefits because our students were in the school building all year. 59,000 cards went out to ineligible students. DHS are in the process of sending letters to these families. If you have any questions, call the AGS office on Monday
Honker Hand Up... Gallery Project! please send your favorite Arlington School District or community themed picture to acunning@arlington.k12.or.us or get to MRC in digital form by Sept 1, 2021. Images selected may become part of the Gallery slide show on our HonkerNet.net home page. Keep images rated "H" and show Arlington Schools and our community in a positive way.
HS volleyball open gym tonight at 7pm in Ione. Please meet at 6:15pm at the HS. Contact coach for questions
Mask Mandate for schools information. A letter from your Superintendents from Dufur, South Wasco, Sherman County, Arlington, Condon, Fossil, Spray, Mitchell, North Central ESD, Columbia Gorge ESD. https://5il.co/wj4p
updated for 2021-2022: ASD school calendar, Supply Lists, and Handbooks. Available at https://www.honkernet.net/page/school-documents
MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN AN EMERGENCY... Become and Emergency Medical Responder.. Age 16 and older AUG 11. 541-454-2888
Attention High School Volleyball Players:
A summer workout plan put together by Coach Eynetich to start getting in shape for the upcoming season can be found at the link below. More information will follow about open gyms and when they will be starting. The workouts can also be picked up at the high school office or you can contact Coach Eynetich by phone at 541-561-8507 or Email at dawneynetich@gmail.com. link for workout: https://5il.co/wf1e
Reminder to all ASD athletes
All ASD athletes in grades 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades will need sports physicals. If you did not have a sports physical last year you will also need a sports physical to participate.
Arlington Medical Clinic is offering sports physicals in the month of August, call for an appointment.
Forms are available online at honkernet.net or pick up at the AHS office.
BEAT THE HEAT AT THE ARLINGTON COOLING CENTER Gronquist Building: 1650 Railroad Ave. Arlington, OR 97812 Dates and Times: June 26 – June 29 – 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. NOTE: Dates and Times can change without notice. Water, movies and games. Volunteers requested...contact Dave Anderson (Medical Center/Ambulance)
Summer Sports Camp for Grade 1-8 in Condon July 12-16. The cost is $10 and participants swim for free at the pool during the week. Registration can be found at https://forms.gle/U9XbRpbteHCkuwm57 see attached flier for more information.
OK Arlington/Ione here we go to the next round of 1A State Basketball... JUNE 23rd: A/I girls play Mohawk at 8:00 am Wednesday morning at Powder Valley in the new gym AND A/I Boys play North Clackamas Christian at 2:45 pm at Baker High School.
On to the NEXT ROUND for 1A State Basketball: JUNE 22 --- AHS/IHS Girls vs Adrian at 11:30 AM at Baker HS ---- AHS/IHS Guys vs Damascus Christian at 2:45 PM at Powder Valley HS in North Powder (new gym.)
ON TO STATE: Arlington/Ione Boys Basketball! First game scheduled vs Umpqua Valley Christian at 1:45 PM MONDAY, 6/21, at Powder Valley HS in North Powder. Oregon. 1A State Basketball Tournament bracket (subject to change) https://5il.co/ubr2 ----Spectators are welcome!---- Tournament gear can be purchased at https://state1a.secure-decoration.com/
ON TO STATE: Arlington/Ione Girls Basketball! First game scheduled vs Livingstone Adventist NOON MONDAY, 6/21, at Powder Valley HS in North Powder. Oregon 1A State Basketball Tournament bracket (subject to change) https://5il.co/ubqn ----Spectators are welcome!---- Tournament gear can be purchased at https://state1a.secure-decoration.com/
Please take a moment and fill out a brief survey for the Arlington School District. Here is the link to the survey
If you prefer, you can pick up a paper copy at the Arlington High School Office.