Columbia Youth Soccer Club information. registration open NOW...
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington School District is looking for a 7th-12th Science Teacher.
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
8th Grade Promotion Tomorrow night during Class Night!
almost 2 years ago, Melody Tucker
8th grade
Arlington Youth Athletics Volleyball Camp June 26th & 27th. Registration due June 10th
almost 2 years ago, Melody Tucker
VB Camp
Arlington Community Preschool Round-up TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2023 8-11AM at AGS. this event is for children who will be 3 yrs old by September 1, 2023. CALL 541-454-2727 for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
You are invited to come spend this Saturday morning (May 20th) volunteering at the park and along the river. Let's give back to our community! All ages are welcome and we encourage your business, family and local organizations to get involved! Sign up using the link provided below to be entered into a drawing to win PRIZES donated by local businesses. Sign up for the "Arlington River Clean Up" Click here now: Clean up is from 9-Noon. If you can't be there the entire time (NO PROBLEM) We will be serving Chili Dogs hot and will have Ice Cream/Popsicles for kids. GLOVES, BAGS, & WATER PROVIDED.
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Golf Tournament for Orion, June 17. Full info HERE
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Would you like to come have lunch with your child, or grandchild? This Thursday, May 11th! Cost per meal is $3.95. If you would like to attend please call to sign up so our phenomenal cooks prepare enough for everyone. Sign up by calling 541-454-2727
almost 2 years ago, Melody Tucker
Attention Please
Arlington MAYDAY 2023 Spring concert live feed starting at 6PM
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
HS TRACK START TIME change for Stanfield, May 5
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
MAYDAY 2023 (MAY 4, 2023 starting at 5pm) info see
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Menu Change for Next Week! Tuesday, May 2 will be Pork Fried Rice & Wednesday, May 3rd will be Hot Dogs.
almost 2 years ago, Melody Tucker
Menu Change
Updated school board agenda for MAY 1.
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington School District Coach Position Openings Coaching Positions The Arlington School District #3 is accepting letters of interest for the following 2023-2024 seasons: Coaching positions: Middle School Volleyball. High School Volleyball. High School Boys Basketball Coach. High School Girls Basketball Coach. Contact AHS office for more information
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
TEACHING POSITIONS OPEN FOR ARLINGTON SD Teacher - Distant Learning and Physical Education ( Middle & High School Science Teacher ( other positions open see
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
REMINDER: K - 8th grade Academic & Sports Awards today @ 2:45 pm in the AGS cafeteria.
almost 2 years ago, Melody Tucker
Attention: K - 8th grade Academic & Sports Awards tomorrow, Thursday, April 20th, @ 2:45 in the Grade School Cafeteria!
almost 2 years ago, Melody Tucker
Updated Arlington Community Preschool info here
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
In a special school board meeting held April 11th, the Arlington School Board voted to include the Arlington Community Preschool into the Arlington School District. Starting in August of 2023 the Arlington Preschool will be part of the school district and will follow the school district calendar. for more info see
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham
The Arlington School District will be holding a Sealed Bid Auction for the following diesel mechanic tools: Sunnen CK10 cylinder hone with standard hone head and tooling, filters and stones, Rottler F2B Air float boring machine and Rottler SFOE CBN milling machine with dual axis tilt table to be able to surface V8 V6 blocks There is a minimum bid of $20,000. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Arlington High School office at 1200 Main Street in Arlington Oregon or mail to ASD-Attention Bids, PO Box 10, Arlington, OR 97812. If mailing in your bid please make sure the bid is sealed The deadline for bids is April 13, 2023 at 2:00 pm at this time the bids will be opened, in the AHS main office and the high bidder will be announced. For more details, contact AHS at 541-454-2632
almost 2 years ago, Alan Cunningham